Thursday, September 11, 2008

Benchmark testing

We've finished our first big round of testing for the year -- only three more to go! Benchmark tests were designed by the district as a quick and easy assessment of students' skills and readiness. They are graded by teachers in schools, so the turnaround is much faster than CSAP. This makes them much more useful to us! These tests, in reading, writing, and math, help teachers know right away what our students' needs and strengths are, which helps us plan instruction. Ask your child about how they think they did! Feel free to talk to me if you have specific concerns. Otherwise, I will let you know the testing results at conferences in October.

We'll take these tests twice more this year, as well as taking CSAP in March. Expect to see substantial growth! It's always amazing how much learning we can pack into a single year.

Ms. LaVenture