Monday, October 6, 2008

Weather or not.....

We started our new science unit today -- and it's all about weather! We won't get into the real meat of the topic for a few days, though, since we're still learning about what science really is and what scientists really do. (If you're curious, they ask questions, investigate, use tools, share ideas, record data, develop explanations, and ask more questions! And that goes for scientists and students studying science....)

As we begin to learn about weather -- what it is, how it works, and what factors influence it -- please pay special attention to weather reports on the news, or the weather page from the newspaper. Help your child notice that temperatures vary widely from place to place, and encourage him or her to wonder why. Talk about the weather outside, and make a prediction about what tomorrow might be like. Remember, scientists are always asking questions!


Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. LaVenture I am having so much fun during scince! I am really getting interested in weather. I really want to learn about clouds and lighting. What I really want know is how sand turns into glass when lighting strikes it!

Ms. LaVenture said...

Lety - Glass is made from silica, which is found in sand. When lighting strikes sand, the sand gets SO hot that the silica in the sand melts and separates. When it cools, the silica reforms into glass. (It's called a fulgurite.)

I'm glad you're enjoying science...

Anonymous said...

dear ms.LaVenture,

are we going to a different subject on science?

Anonymous said...

of corse elijah.

Anonymous said...

I liked the new smoke bok expremint we just did.