Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving thanks and going to the mountains

It was such a short week that time really flew by -- we managed to fit in some writing ("easy essays" about our favorite time of year), some science (ask about our smoke box, which models how wind travels toward heat), some math, and some reading. The big excitement, after Thanksgiving break, of course, is the upcoming fifth grade trip to Balarat. Balarat is Denver Public Schools' outdoor environmental program, located up in the foothills above Boulder. It's been open for almost forty years, and provides every fifth grader in DPS with the unique opportunity to spend some quality time up "in the mountains". This year we are lucky enough to be able to spend two nights and three days up at Balarat. Both fifth grade classes will be going up together, and we will mix up students and teachers so everyone will have a chance to get to know new people and see friends in the other class. My fourth graders will stay at school with a sub, but they are already looking forward to going to Balarat next year (and having three whole days without those annoying fifth graders around....)!

Enjoy your break, and if you are (or have) a fifth grader, remember to pack warm clothes and a sack lunch for Monday. The Balarat bus will leave at 9:15, so don't be late! We will return around 3:30 on Wednesday.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Molecular what?

Molecular gastronomy, that's what Chef Ian showed us today, with his amazing concoctions using liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Everyone was amazed by the flavor of the super-smooth ice cream he mixed up, and making your own soda by adding CO2 to water (and lots of sugar) was pretty neat, too. Frozen popcorn or marshmellows, anyone? I only wish I'd had my camera, to capture the waves of smoke pouring out over our desks! It's wonderful what you can do with science these was a great kick-off to a week that includes the Science Fair on Wednesday night. Here is a link to Chef Ian's blog, where he mentions visiting our class.

For anyone who wants more, more, more.......Chef Ian works at O's Restaurant, in the Westin Westminster. The address is 10600 Westminster Boulevard, and here is a map. If he sends me any recipes, I will be sure to post them!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Results

Results from Palmer's voting: 89% of students cast a vote for Obama, with 8% voting for McCain and 1% of votes for third party candidates. In DPS overall, almost 16,000 students voted. The vote percentages were very similar to Palmer. To take a closer look at the national results, both state-by-state and within individual counties, check out this map!